The Instagram account.
'significanceofhexagons' speaking.

I intended a handful of Voices as a follow-up to my previous work Plaster Casts Despite Choosing to Run.

Dark Web Voices released in Nov 2019 as a meta Rochester Grimoire series and novella in which I sought to clarify my identity at age 22. I allowed 52(+1) “Voices” to speak to me through liberal manipulation of narrative voice. These speakers included influences, schools of philosophy, fictional characters, gods, archetypes, concepts, musical artists, groups, personas, past selves, names, past relationships, amongst other nouns and their aspects. I listened, and by the end of each grimoire card, internally clarified if and to what extent I (still) identify with that Voice. Thematically, the project speaks on dualities; abandonment; loneliness; romanticism; and ego.
The Instagram account.
'significanceofhexagons' speaking.
I intended a handful of Voices as a follow-up to my previous work Plaster Casts Despite Choosing to Run.